Always had a soft spot for the Jaguar. I don’t think it’s ever really received the credit it’s deserved, always in she shadow of it’s big brother, the Stratocaster, pity really.
There was nothing much wrong with this one, it just needed a little TLC and tweek here and there on the setup….As always I had a look at the frets to see how level they are, and they’re pretty good, certainly nothing that needs any work.
The owner did say he thought there was a shim under the heel of the neck so I had a look. There it is, I’ve no idea quite why, certainly not needed?While the neck was off I gave it a god clean and oil…
With the neck back on, a standard setup. Starting with the neck set and action at the 12th fret…
Just a little high, not bad really, having removed the shim the bridge had to come down so this was a pure guess. Just a little more..
Next the 1st fret. The E, A, D and G strings were OK but the B and E strings had to come down just a little.
The trem’ was a little out of adjustment. I could only get about a semitone of an upward bend.
Next the Intonation; again not far out but in need of a small adjustment.
There it is. Ready for some more action…
A word from the owner:
“Thanks George , you have ironed out any of the issues I had with my jag . She plays fantastic again . Greatly appreciated”