Nice Bass, rather worn machine heads though. Managed to get a rather nice new set from Axesrus to exactly fit the old holes.All that’s needed is a good cleanup….
and a lick of oil…
Followed by a standard 5 point setup..
No.1 The neck set, starting with it as flat as possible…by adjusting the truss-rod.
No.2 the action at the 12th fret, just a little low for a bass…..
so raise the bridge a little, starting with the outside strings.
followed by the other two, matching the fretboard radius.
No.3 The action at the 1st fret. It was already a little low but since there’s no buzz I left it alone.
with the Intonation done (No.4) all that’s left is the pickup heights.
There we go, playing nicely. And with the new machine heads, easier to tune and stays in tune!