Not a guitar, but the same principles.
Someone had broken this one and made a pretty awful job of trying to fix it. I don’t know what they used but it almost looked like chewing gum! (I’m sure it wasn’t).The hardest part of the job was to remove the old glue. There were 2 layers, the stuff that they’d used to repair it and of course, the original glue. If the stuff I’m going to use is going to have any chance I need to be down to bare wood.
That should do it. I’ve also removed the wooden plug between the neck and body as it’s rather tatty. I’ll put in a new one.
The next problem is how to clamp the neck and body together. I’ve got a long sash clamp so I’ll see if that’ll hold it…
There we go. Not quite as good as new but about 95%.
You could tell from the amount of old glue between the fretboard and soundboard that it was never a very good fit. I used a little wood filler to fill the gap, the best I could do.