Now that’s a Bass! Probably right at the top of my wish list.. I’ve always been a Rickenbacker fan.
This one doesn’t really need much doing, basic setup and remove the bridge pickup cover.Easier said than done, need to take the strings off for one.
While the strings were off I gave the frets a quick clean..
Next the setup. First the neck set, a little high…
The action at the top was also a little high, the slots were also very tight….so I eased them a little and dropped down the E and A strings.
Lastly the bridge, action at the bottom end and intonation.
Who wouldn’t want one of these!
A comment from the owner:
“Having just managed to acquire the ‘girl’ of my dreams (after 30 odd years), I was a little disappointed with the height of the action. Asked George to make her playable and remove the stupid pick up cover. She now purrs beautifully and can get my right hand comfortable. Cheers George, excellent job!