Jazzmaster Build – Final update

At last the pickups have arrived so I’m on the final lap.  The only problem is, they don’t fit! The standard covers the pickups came with are designed to mount differently. The pole pieces are slightly closer together… The covers have 4 holes for mountings but the pickups have 2, one at each end.. All I can […]

Jazzmaster Build – 4th update

While I’m waiting for the last couple of parts I fitted the strap buttons.  Carefully marking the centreline… I thought that was all I could do today until the postman arrived.  Again I marked out the centreline and screw holes, making sure everything is square.  Drill the holes……. and screw it in place… Just the pickups […]

Jazzmaster Build – 3rd update

I didn’t manage as much as I wanted today, it’s been another of those days.  However I did finish the wiring, apart from the pickups which are on order…. It fits in place anyway. While I’m waiting for the last of the parts (tremolo tail and pickups) there isn’t a great deal more I can […]

Jazzmaster Build – 2nd update

I had a bit of a think overnight and decided to attack the problem from the other end.  Since it’s a much better quality body than neck I think it more appropriate to adjust the neck to fit the body rather than the other way.  It would be more likely that someone would want to […]

Jazzmaster Build – 1st Update

Started on the Jazzmaster today.  My first intention was to have a look at how the neck fitted, but it’s going to need quite a bit of work. Not fitting very well, or at all actually.  I don’t want to force it or I’ll damage the body and neck. To make things a little more […]

Jazzmaster Build

Just looking ahead to this week I’ve got a fairly major project lined up, a Jazzmaster to be built from scratch… I think I’ve got most of the parts.  I’m still missing the trem’/tail but that’s on back order.  Haven’t got any pickups either yet, the customer is fairly sure what he wants but there are […]

Jazzmaster Build

This on is going to take a while but at least the first of the parts arrived today! Not much I can do with it mind you, not until the neck arrives at least. Keep an eye open and look for some regular updates as things progress…..

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all out there in Guitar-land….. At least I managed to clear the bench for Christmas, so I don’t have any customers banging on my door, needing their instruments back for the holiday.  Now I can put my feet up for a rest. Speaking of Christmas though. If any of you should get anything […]